Naps: Three Tips To Consistency

Hey mama,

If you are here then, I am fully aware that naps in your home are probably driving you up the dag on wall!

My reminder to you is that you need to stop saying, “this is just the way that my child is built.”


Short naps are biologically normal, but there are things that we can do that will help you build a consistent napper.

Tip #1 Room Enviornment

Setting up the room environment. When placing a child down for the naps we need to ensure that we have a created a room environment that is nurturing their sleep need.

We can’t offer a nap to our little ones in a brightly lit room and expect them to fall asleep at their sweet spot.

Dark. Cool. Calm.

Tip #2 Appropriate Schedule

Age Appropriate Nap Times. Can you imagine yourself laying in bed at 6pm, but you usually do not fall asleep until 9:30. It is hard for you to fall asleep. It is NOT any different for your child.

Age Appropriate schedules help with finding our little ones sweet spots. Guess what, I have a FREE guide for that!

Tip #3 Consistent Techniques

When implementing Nap techniques to get your little one to nap longer you may want to ensure you are sticking to that technique for a consecutive amount of days without changing. You cannot expect your little one to understand what you need them to do if you don’t keep consistency.

Following whichever plan you are doing, thoroughly will help build results. Children love results.

If you are going to rock to sleep for naps, keep that consistent. Same for feeding to sleep.

Want a technique that will help?

Purchase the Goodbye Crap Naps Guide!


Nap Tips While Traveling


No Sleep Tricks, Just Tips!